The primary Shake Shack brand colors are green and black.
Below you have all the color codes in different formats:
- Pantone: it is a system that allows identifying colors for printing using a specific code.
- RGB: the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) is a color model used for digital designs.
- CYMK: the CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) is a color model used for printed designs.
- HTML Hex: is a digital color model used mainly for Web design.
Shake Shack Logo
Shake Shack Color Codes: Pantone, HTML Hex, RGB & CMYK
Pantone: PMS 360 C (NEAREST MATCH)
Hex Color: #6CB33F;
RGB: (108,179,63)
CMYK: (64,6,100,0)
Hex Color: #000000;
RGB: (0,0,0)
CMYK: (0,0,0,100)